We are attending a square dancing soiree in Seattle this weekend, and decided to maximize our pleasure by 1) traveling to Seattle by train and 2) staying at the Four Seasons hotel. 

So yesterday morning our friend Sharon was kind enough to pick us up and get us to Union Station in time for our 8:30 train – thanks, Sharon!  The trip was wonderful, as usual – beautiful scenery, spectacular views of the Sound between Olympia and Tacoma – it is my favorite way to travel between Portland and Seattle (we’re big fans of train travel in general). 

We went back and forth about the Four Seasons because the one in Seattle is new and therefore pretty expensive (as opposed to the one in Vancouver, which is venerable and therefore only mildly expensive – comparatively speaking, anyway), but we decided what the hell, let’s splurge.

My travel-planner-extraordinaire sweetie did a bunch of research and managed to find a Four Seasons specialist travel agent.  By booking through this agent, we got additional amenities of free daily breakfast and one free lunch, plus automatic upgrade at check-in if available.  This, plus a Four Seasons gift certificate from Lis’ Dad at Christmas, brought the whole package in to maybe-we-can-swing-it range, and so we booked.

We were most excited about the free food, but on arrival they upgraded us to an Executive Suite – I cannot tell you how cool this is.  This is by far the most sumptuous room I’ve ever stayed in.  The bathroom is palatial and has sweeping views of Elliott Bay, the room itself is almost as big (square footage-wise) as my first house, and there are some of the coolest touches – it really is something.

We arrived at King Street Station in Seattle at noon, and phoned the hotel – they sent the town car to pick us up :)  We checked in and then went for our free lunch.  It was all very good, but I would like to pay special attention to the Tomato Bisque soup I had for my appetizer – I am a girl who loves me some tomato soup, and this was definitely the best tomato soup EVER.  There were blue cheese and bacon pieces at the bottom – divine.

While we were eating, a group of men came in.  I only noticed them because one of them was talking loudly on a cell phone as they entered (of which I disapproved, of course).  Then I noticed that one of the men looked familiar – “that guy looks like Jeff Foxworthy.”  I remembered seeing an ad for some comedy show coming to Portland featuring Jeff Foxworthy and Larry the Cable Guy – I looked at the other men, and sure enough, the guy to the left sure looked like Larry the Cable Guy – this must be the Seattle stop of the tour.  I figured we were in for lots of look-how-important-I-am posturing and loud cell phone talking, but after the initial faux paux they were very well behaved.

After lunch we went to the room for a bit, and then got our swimsuits and headed for the spa.  The pool is an outdoor infinity pool, but it has a full western exposure and the day was very sunny, so we were able to swim – which I found astounding, considering that it is early March in Seattle.  Global warming or no, it was really awesome, especially since the pool overlooks the Bay.  After we swam, we sat around the outdoor fireplace for a bit – again, way, way cool, sitting by an open flame, watching the ferries traverse the Bay. 

Then we went to the women’s locker room and did the steam room and the sauna, and then used their lovely rain showers equipped with L’Occitane shampoo and conditioner and shower gel.  This is what Lis calls our Poor Woman’s Spa Day – stay in the luxury hotel and then utilize all the free spa stuff without actually paying for a spa treatment.  Which is what we do – pay big bucks for the room and then spend as little money as possible thereafter.  They must love us:)

Then back to the room to lie about and watch the sunset, then out for an evening of square dancing.  It was truly a great day – the transcendent kind that makes you think “OK, I could die now.”